[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Without claiming or doing it; Vul - would outting your night action possibly help to solve this confusion?

I said I didnā€™t have mech info and I stand by it, so no.

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Gucci :ok_hand:

That was my first attempt at a RT omegalul
Im growing up

For some reason I feel like Iā€™m in a DR trial and holding onto a crucial piece of evidence. Or Iā€™m a dumbass who thinks thatā€™s the case.

And what did you end up inferring from it?
Gucci gang, gucci gang.


I just wanted to make sure you didnā€™t have conflicting information

Which you donā€™t - so, yay?

Lately this song has been coming up in my head for the majority of my village games.

Alice is a ghost! Prove sheā€™s not a ghost!

The V3 OST is so good.

Also, the fact itā€™s the 2nd FoL in a row where we have an openclaiming, lowposting Prince since day 1 kinda annoys me.

Is it bad that i was genuinely hoping that Italy was faking at first? :eyes:

Italy is someone that even if theyā€™re town itā€™s easy to scum read him as evil. I would know from past experience playing with him in Poisonous Mafia.

Iā€™ll be honest, the fact Italy randed Prince is a blessing for me. At least I canā€™t mislynch them.

Back on topic, Amiā€™s slot is basically >rand to me right now and allegedly itā€™s bountied by Napoleon, who I read as V. Might be a good idea to lynch there?

@Italy Jail exe Braixen, IMO.

I still think theyā€™re tonally V.

They went from high town to just a lean, but I think that itā€™s a cointoss to kill Ami.

Can i (once again) request that we end day at about the same time we started the day? 10AM Pacific for me. I think itā€™ll help if everyone can be around for SoD on d3

Iā€™m mostly asking this in case im not around for EoD

If weā€™re doing the bounty lynchā€¦ do you think we still get a second lynch if the bounty one is plurality?

So basically, we shouldnā€™t quicklynch? Sure. Itā€™s -EV to do that anyway.

Yea i dont think we should. Also iā€™d recommend reading over braixenā€™s ISO. You reminded me. He is very keen on dying as fast as possible, which is not in the best interest of BD

Come to think of it, Alice had a great point about Derps potentially being Braixenā€™s partner. Derps randomly voted Braixen at SoD and pushed him with moderate conviction, but little justification. I think thatā€™s a really partnery thing to do. If Derps is a wolf, I think he would at least try to explain himself somehow before pushing a villager there. And if heā€™s a villager, I donā€™t think his first thought at SoD is to push on Braixen. Seems kinda unnatural to me, considering the fact we were generally townreading Braixen D1.

Aight sleep time. Adios