[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

@Vulgard @Italy @Wazza @Alice
@anyone else not voting EVO.
Vote EVO! I have the best game plan!

Do you dislike the fact that you are wrong?

I think this is w/w or v/w with v looking for reactions/having FPS

Also If you aren’t stupid you would know putting EVO as town lean would insta out you as scum

Before I respond to Braix, keep in mind that once someone is executed, you cannot change who is jailed. There is no trial period - if we reach majority, they die

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Could just jail Chloe then occ me

Or vice versa

If EVO is nk then champagn all around

Ok then change of Plans
Lynch EVO and Jail Brax.
If EVO flips Cult, Protect Brax and Lynch Chloe.
If EVO flips Town, Execute Brax

There! Simple!

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We already established why this is a horrible idea. Also, I am occ immune

@Italy Imp me tonight

Occ Chloe just to be sure

Chloe is Starting Town but could be Converted Cult, if anyone converted them it’s EVO.

They are immune

Do we know that for a fact?

Yeah. I targeted them last night.

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Oh ok

Game Plan

Lynch EVO, Jail Braix

“I suppose so, yes” was not a response to the same question - you are taking my words out of context. I was responding to the question below by calling you hypocritical:

I never glanced over the suspiciousness of EVO - he is still one of my scumleans. I merely believe you are more likely to flip scum than he is.

I asked you a question here - it was not me being unable to read. I was asking what you got out of this bait

As I’ve mentioned before: lynching you or Ami is in BD’s best interest.

Remember this!