[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

You tryed to second guess me??
I claimed you could be servant and then you said “No im alc”

I submitted my Court Spies.

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Okay brother. I have been extremely patient with you - but you putting words in my mouth makes me not want to interact with you anymore.

Your entire argument on Braixen being V relies on him playing too poorly to be a wolf. I just don’t see this reasoning to be solid evidence.

My issue with it is that the skill level on this website is just terrible and whenever I wolf here I usually do much of the decisions by myself with no input. It’s not that out-there but actually likely that the wolfteam we’re seeing is just Braixen plus two other people that have been barely playing this game and who haven’t bothered to tell Braixen to pipe down.

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You never said this?

he’s playing from a village mindset

i have more of an arg but will build my case later when i feel like it

My god. Are you truly confusing Alch with Alco? Alcoholic you dork. I was wondering why you said I could be Servant but not Alcoholic - as I never claimed my specific class

Alcoholic? I never knew her!

Braix this conversation is going to turn me into an alcoholic irl ngl


Me too lmao

I’ve hit like limit D:

ok so wouldn’t it be funny if he 2 groupscum got court spied d1 and then the convert was converted and then they were just all alone

I just don’t see it.

In between his reads looking opportunistic and vague as hell, him spending much time trying to deduce classes over alignment, and him not knowing that his own class doesn’t have Retribution despite being corrected once, I just have a hard time seeing Braixen as an actual Hunter.

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I have a hard time seeing you have a brain

i’ll try 2 convince u later

but i think he’s doomed and i can just laugh at yall later

That might have been a bit too toxic…

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I would rather you use it on groupscum

Comments like this are clearly making me townread you.


Alice Rn: You’re not scum, you’re bat-shit insane!