[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

im gonna do a
Pro™ Gamer™ Move™

We noticed.

good for u

You can’t use Multi-Shot and kill me.

serves ale ami

At least, if I’m reading it correctly.

If you fire an arrow at A.
All marks are removed and attack any other player whose mark was removed.
You are immune to redirection.

Either this means:

  • You fire a shot at someone else and not me


  • You fire a shot at 2 of your formely-marked targets.

Acta no verba

ami my fear is that wazz is acolyte and has self protect

but i guess we’d know if he didnt’ die

why do you think i said i mis read it dumbass

Time to get to 1000 posts before I get mislynched

Wazza is scummy man

tf you on about?

Also sorry I haven’t been super active today I have a lot of school shot due Ofer these next couple days so Iv been distracted

Acolyte can’t self-protect.

I am hunter please trust me

prepare for what we call

I bled Marshal

yes it can 4head

don’t act like you don’t think it can

Chloe is possible convert but most likely not unseen gam,e