[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

my last video was legit a ToS livestream.

omg I might have seen one before

you sound super sterotypical british dont you

Off topic :smiley:

your entire mindset has been off topic, shush

I sounded like a stereotypical british squeaker, yes.

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where the hell is our king and who the hell is being allied

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ohh squeaker? nvm then lol

Shut up this is a fun conversation and I’m having fun before me and Ami kill each other in cold blood.

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I mean, I was a squeaker.

In some videos I sounded like a normal human being.

whenever i hear or see the word squeeker i think of many slurs
is that bad

Your entire mindset as been, I love Braixen UwU

no, especially if you’ve been on xbox.

god bless mw2 lobby chat


I think of one in particular because of xbox…

raised me when my parents wouldnt



you know how it be on xbox

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haha i played a shitton of mw2

learned a lot of words from mit