[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win


first, what are the odds of a demon existing in this game and wazza being exactly it?
second, why does an anti town with a bleed refuse to use it?

Like his actions make sense when u try toā€¦ for lack of a better word, empathise. Like in his shoes and looking at him as a player, i could honestly see him villa.

oh my gosh I know (of) this player

1/17th of being nk
1/4 if he is nk, that heā€™s demon

  1. 1/5 chance of Demon
  2. They might want to use their night ability/build towncred/save the ability for later

What about when he made up shit and talked about how 3 different players ā€œscum slippedā€ and that whole nonsensical argument

is this your mantra

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i would throw some shade but lol ongoing game

*Other day ability

Me shutting down literally all of Braixens points and finding out the fact he is using quotes out of context to make me look like scum.

I complain about my role in every game.

Literally look at the start of any FoL Iā€™ve been in.

This was on the topic of Ami, and I was later informed on the fact that they did not claim Hunter. You are using real quotes with fake statements.

Demon would bleed anyway. And this was D1.

They can be used in the same day from what I last saw.

This is stated in a later post about the fact how D1 I donā€™t read. Fullstop. Unless Iā€™m extremely motivated somehow.

I do this all the time.

Thisā€¦isnā€™t correctā€¦at all. This is me shutting down the fact that I am Acolyte/whatever Cult class it was he said I was.

I am very against random-townreading. Most players here can confirm this and how I get pissy at people townreading me for no apparent reason.

He was going to be lynched today.

He was going to be lynched today.

He was going to be lynched today.

Because I ainā€™t a dumbass and just randomly bleeding people.

You hinted towards it because any Hunter with Retribution would be Unique. This one of yours is a downright lie and you know it.

Uh, that wasnā€™t an excuseā€¦at all. Marshal was already claimed to be bled so that was a VERY apparent reason NOT to bleed anyone.

Maybe mention the fact that these posts were HOURS apart and when I finally came to my senses not to bleed anyone.

So we can have a confirmed Town?

I was claimed to be day occupied by Marshal at this point.

Sure, you can think that.

If you are right about this, then so be it, but I donā€™t see this context that you do

I want everyone to read this.

i can see that from a villa standpoint.

Nonsensical? ye. but can i see why he posted it? sure.

His softs line up, much of his posts under pressure line up with how I think villa braix would act.

i can give a specific example if u want


i didnt even read his wallpost on you lol

brb for 10 mins.

@Braixen feel free to attempt to shut down my points of you lying out of your ass with your ISO on me.

Well seeing itā€™s a wall post. I suspect only a few people will have the patience to go through a wall post like the one you posted.

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so, your wording here is weak. When you suggest hypotheticals, rather than sharing ā€œthis is what I think happenedā€, it shows that you donā€™t really think that happened. When you beat around the bush saying, well, maybe they wanna use something or do this or they could have done that!, it just looks more like either lack of genuine solving or an attempt to guess what I want to hear

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Anyone who thinks Iā€™m scum should go through it and see the fact that my main pusher (not including Marshal) is literally lying out of his backside to make me look like scum.