[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Obviously I can still be scum, but I wouldn’t look into that slip for being the reason why. Like I’ve mentioned…I don’t always type the right words from my thoughts. I’m an impulsive player.

No one has claimed Paladin and smited. Besides I doubt a Paladin would use smite N1.

I doubt it as well but honestly - anything is possible concerning kat’s death lmfao

Concerning what Possessed said about scum being more attentive. I can confirm this is true. I won a game as Reaper. In that game I reaped the King N2 because I knew he was Good King as he upped the outed Assassin.

nvm what I thought didnt happen

Also I’m curious
What makes you think EVO is claiming Mystic?
Were you in a link?

I knew then that he had to go because he had 4 guards.

Yeah I was looking for a possible nother slip that would make the slip you made harder but it didnt happen

Strongly believe it was NK kill and this is Cult game, but we shall see. I’m still in the danger zone on most lists so I should be safe not self-caring tonight and getting this Exhume off.

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The fact that he is openely not wanting to claim who he targeted makes me think he targeted NO ONE

EVO could b priest also tho

Wait that would make more sense

i’d arg that healing italy is important as well, but daddy can always take care of him if need be

Not to self-meta…but you’ll notice more word slips in my town play than scum. Mainly because I don’t post in volume as scum due to the potential to slip.

and i mean if I use my abil to protect him i guess ur heal is useless anyways

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What about the fact that Squid won’t claim and says she is an important role? You don’t think that is Mystic/Priest?

No, I think they are scum invest

As in Investigator like Pala/Sheriff

calling it now she is preist omegalul

@PoisonedSquid revive braixen so that he can rejoin me post mortem please and thank u


Daddy King? That’s where my fear comes in. If this King faked bleed, scum know Prince is virtually open besides me.