[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

i can’t swap myself with someone which eliminates so many gamer moment strats

Just get the jail target from Italy and you should be g

marshal + italy allies ftw

how to get nothing done

Chloe is gonna have a stroke trying to ISO me for reads

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I’m absolutely dying tonight. I can feel it in my bones. I accept it. I will leave you all with sexy logs


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laughs in 1411 posts

You would be ok if you were tracked right?

You’d be perfectly fine with that right EVO?


observer followed or whatever

see who you visit

see i felt that but then asked braixen to bleed me so i can live until d3 and just use “haha i die tonight bitch :sunglasses:” as the only defense i need

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Yeah Tracked, Cop Checked, Scentisted

sure, knock yourself out

Well if your scum I guess your not that dumb to say no and me paint it as Open Wolf.

Tracked is cool and all, but we still dont know game type. If he’s rand cult it could mean nothing. If he’s MM it could also mean nothing.

yeah that question was kinda pointless

If you said no, then you would have been automatically scum claiming Tbh.



damn that’s an alpha way to enter thread

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