[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

v lean

I actually think he might have softed d1 but I could be wrong

Quote plz uwu

Also marshal any word from aroot?

That was fucking disgusting

Go ISO. Its easy to spot

Iā€™m brain dead rn Iā€™m gonna sleep

I put Derps as a null read.

Alright imma sleep.

Alright so i canā€™t swap italy tonight.

i canā€™t swap poss or italy because i targeted them

So yeah the convert choice that Iā€™m most paranoid about is Vulgard.

aight then swappa poss and have him heal italy i suppose.

but that does mean you wouldnt get healed of bleed tonight

oh wait. nvm i just read the whole thing

@Possessed youā€™re on italy. marshal cant swap either of you tonight

Alright so what was the decision on Ami/Wazz/CRich shenanigans? so that I can alter my night action based around that

Was reading through and I honestly have no idea whatā€™s going on rn.

Chloe you there?

yep whatsup

Why is everyone fine with letting Ami self-resolve at night with Wazza when they just read her V? Sheā€™s bountiedā€¦

Confused on that myself. iā€™ll have to re-read too. i think itā€™s mostly that Marshal and a few others want Wazza to die tonight and Ami has KP