[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Wazza could be their ally.

@PoisonedSquid also u gotta claim buddy

if only someone had said this yesterday

Itā€™s very possible that groupscum wasā€¦ scared of deb?

Meaning no CW abils?

Iā€™m going based on shit in general.

Napoleon seems to be on the side of Snakeeater/pocketing them. Snakeeater is 4th Killer while Alice is 5th killer.

Do you not see the issues?

what was your last night action?

what did you do last night and why didnā€™t you kill me.

Okay, so.

  1. Why Marshal is a wolf.

He fucking TMIā€™d the top 2 wagons yesterday as V. Remember that he thought Braixen was hardcore V, and yet Braixen was the top wagon regardless. He also thought I was a wolf, and I was the 2nd wagon.
What does a villager do here? Probably tries to lynch their wolfread instead of their villager, right?
What does Marshal do? He selfvotes for funsies instead of trying to push me. He states several times that he wants to kill Braixen for info despite village reading him, and DESPITE WOLFREADING ME, when I was the 2nd wagon. What kind of villager lynches their village read for info instead of lynching their wolfread?
The selfvote basically shows his motivation right there. He selfvoted because the top two wagons were V and he simply did not give a fuck.

  1. Why is Possessed a wolf?

We all know his day 1, especially toward the end, was not the best. Like Iā€™ve already explained, the guy has hit all of the major buttons he hits as a wolf. First he pushed on someone with a ā€œwolfy meta,ā€ then got angry over not being listened to, then started AtEing. He did this as a wolf in Evolution Mafia, he did it here. Marshal got into an argument with him at EoD1, and he was jailed with only one nightkill on the night he was jailed. Pretty suspicious, huh.
Come day 2, he is not being pushed at all, even though Iā€™m advocating for it. Marshal promptly forgets about the argument completely and does not address Possessed whatsoever throughout day 2, only barely interacting with him. No votes on Possessed stick, the wagon never gains any traction, even though all Possessed did was calm down in comparison to his EoD. Why does Marshal not do anything about this slot? Why does he mostly keep quiet about it in comparison to day 1? Simple. Because they are groupscum and neither of them wants to draw attention to Possessed. Possessed made the mistake of becoming the center of attention day 1, hence his comparatively quiet, reasonable and toned-down day 2.

For those reasons, they are both goddamn wolves, and they need to die. I donā€™t care how.


Please tell me someone tracked or occed me because Iā€™m not trying to have Italy lose exes on me

ok i have to go for a bit theres a family emergency. this is not ATE - just informing

italyā€™s mind: this is obviously evil they arenā€™t even bothering to claim to a confirmed BD

EVO hasnā€™t claimed yet. AND WAS JAILED.
Vulgard hasnā€™t claimed yet.
WTF did you claim?

1 Like

he claimed hunter


@anyone else who hasnā€™t claimed.

claim today

Oh going silent on me now Wazza.
Scrap your entire reads and make some new ones!

the lying darkness wins

I claimed fucking Hunter you blindo.

EVO hasnā€™t claimed and was jailed with 3 DEATHS
And Iā€™m suspecting Vulgard! Wtf are you on?

What do you mean going silent on you, you gave me 20 seconds to respond.

Also, after all of the deaths of Killer classes, Wazzaā€™s Hunter claim is suspicious af. Couple that with his hesitation to bleed someone day 2 (reminder that Demon only has one bleed, and the King was bled day 1 ā€“ notice the potential connection there), and I think Wazza has some solid Demon equity. His posts have not impressed me whatsoever, and I donā€™t think a villager hesitates to bleed someone so much day 2. Itā€™s not like he has much to lose.

So basically, Wazza is the NK.

So you donā€™t believe the RNG gave us 5 Killers when itā€™s RNG.

@Vulgard @Italy

How about you guys get a bleed on me if you believe im assassin?