[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

The post sounds like you already believe Alice is Assassin just because I said I empowered her.

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And i read alice as assa for the bleed interaction with possessed

I do lmfao, read up

This is why you explore all options.

Does AE work like ToL where itā€™ll strong arm a killer class?

Or we could actually have a WL because of Marshallā€™s d1, or a Possessor could have thrown Katze at my bear as Iā€™d make a more reasonable d1 nightkill than Katze.

honestly i want to kill evo because if they turn out to be town then we know that MM took tavernkeeper

NK canā€™t be occed (probably), didnā€™t hit Possessed, and I donā€™t think we have any claimed protection targets? Thatā€™d make Possessed confirmed non-BD KP based on the n1 jail.

but i also really donā€™t want to lose my axes

You were the first to propose this idea too. The WL.

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We had 1 KP n1 when Poss was in jail, and 3 KP N2 when EVO was in jail. N2 there was probably a 241.

King died to bleed

We still havenā€™t explained the 1 KP and no protective outed a protection on someone iirc.

@ChopChop Who did you occ both nights again?

Because how the hell would someone bypass Katzeā€™s occ immunity?

Why do you think it was a 241?

I forgot that King died to bleed. No 241.

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I get that. Your first idea was WL, though.

Mine was Possessor.

Possessed please tell me im not crazy here

N1: Either Assa/NK couldnā€™t act
N2: Both acted and succeeded

Clearly thereā€™s an issue here.

Youā€™re not crazy and I am about to lockdown Vulgard here.

The fact that possessed was in prison N1?

Thats not true though. Youā€™re assuming nobody hit protections