[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

shes googlin’ away now dude

you gave her lyrics AND the artist

hell imma look

eh there’s enough kanye lyrics that mention the lord that i thiiiiiink there’s a low low chance that she at rand guesses

I just found it.

Literally first search

sure but i’d rather you not reveal until after she submits a guess

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also doubting this highly but whatevs

Just saying that it’s hella easy

Don’t brush off the bs if she gets it


want some shit from the music vid?


pretty sure thats chinese calligraphy?

weirdass ghost mofo

single image type shit

so far im not sure u got it

Not sure how else to describe it, lets see

Children view phantoms

that’s the album yes

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Hmmm lemme try to describe the song

Mellow at the start
Weirdass dude goin wweeoooeoeeeee


that’s like literally every kanye song lmao

ok you know what chloe this was going nowhere and u ruined it >:(