[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

It’s Ok for you to give up too!
After all, I want to win.

Is Chloe actual NK? Lol


they need nk alive
outting real nk wouldnt help them
im an easy pick to push suspicion to

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Investigators should Investigate you tonight to make sure.

We only have a sheriff but i would agree with you

Dont ping me

Seth will you occupy Alice?

No u.

No u.


I’m protecting myself tonight

I can and will occupy Alice

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I’m obviously the target for Kill or Conversion tonight.

There you go!

Bro if Alice flips Town then I will quit these forums instantly instead of in June


Oh yeah gn btw I haven’t slept

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Did Nappy get King?

Or is it 24 hours and not 12?


Nappy got king