[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Lets ping him 50 times

@N.1 Ping Pong

Nah why bother when we can just nightkill him?

We can only hope he’s sleeping. I mean someone who was the main host got a concussion.

This isn’t a Knight claim btw

No, we all know that you are a support class

Is this joke??

no comment

knights arent real id hope not


Wazza claimed knight

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No no I kinda want comment

Wait did he?

He’s assassin then EZ

idk I read you as CW

Why do you hope he’s sleeping? Why not hope he isn’t sleeping and he’s just lurking so we got a found scum?

Wait, really? I’m genuinely curious why.

Idk??? Support/Social Classes tend to play more angleshooty, and read better.
Social Classes ask more questions about the situation so I don’t think you’re social.
Leaves Support, I doubt you are a healing support otherwise you would play more passively, so I think you are Court Wizard

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I mean, you’re wrong but I like how you got to the conclusion.

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this is a weird take

like, really weird

ur really weird

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