[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win


The thing is, though, I have no idea why DryBones would attack the mislynchable Hunter claim as NK. This kill doesnā€™t make much sense.
At the same time, though, he knew he was getting empowered, because that was the planā€¦

thought he was scum is my only idea

If heā€™s exactly Reaper, it makes some sense. Itā€™s not good, because I should be 100% dead, but I can see that.

Reaper uses souls to empower a kill right?

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Actually, thatā€™s a valid possibility.

Yeah, so maybe he didnā€™t want to lose any? I have no clue. Something doesnā€™t feel right.

Someoneā€™s fucking with us real hard rn.

Nappy and Italy are the only people who are lock clear rn. Everyone else either has convert equity or isnā€™t lock clear for other reasons.

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2 starting souls, 1+ for N2 kill.

Use one soul for EMP Reap, lose 1 soul on Hunter bear.

Reaper should have 1 soul.

am i the only person who feels like arete is actually hosting because they want to pitch ideas for a new book they want to write


But if DryBones knew I was empowering him ahead of time (and that was the nightplan), then he wouldnā€™t need to empower his kill.
Maybe he took advantage of that to yeet the Hunter claim because he figured they might be an immune? He was also TRing Wazza I think, so lynching him would look bad for his progressionā€¦?

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If Unseen somehow missed the n1 convert, and they attempted the n2 convert me me - my party would bypass occupy immunity and stop the Mastermind.
Itā€™s possible that they assumed I was a convert-immune class, as, after seeing my night-actions, Alice jumped on the opportunity to push me. There is no reason for Unseen to want NK dead yesterday if they need the Kill-Power, and I was very easy LHF

Why this is pretty fuckin bad for us:
If this is true, then that means they got a random pity convert last night no matter what - even if Dry successfully empower occupied the Mastermind

This also means they probably have 2f1 still

This could be why, but its still baffling you wouldnā€™t kill either Phys claim there.

look at this flavor this isnā€™t a game itā€™s a book and ameliaā€™s the main character

If Dry is Reaper and he attacked Hunter Bear while Ice Warded, would Bear evenā€¦ attack him?

Iā€™m really worried Chloe really is NK and sheā€™s been carrying a giant spool of wool to pull over our eyes.

No way do they have 2for1 with a Reaper game.

Iā€™d have to be the most 200iq player in the world and trust me

im shit

The fact SnakeEater has been doing fuck all really bothers me, too.