[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

hunter is also non-unique

GUYS we found the solution to the d2 massclaim

d1 massclaim

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How many times do you think im gonna get stabbed tonight?

Well youā€™re about to be bled so not at all.

Another issue I had with him is that he immediately believes other peoplesā€™ claims. The lack of skepticism is a pretty bad look as it shows he isnā€™t wolfhunting.

Also Hunter last had retribution passive 11 months ago on the 5th May 2019 which is exactly 11 months ago because lol!leapyear.

This was a meme lmO

Why bleed the possible Inq, and why out the day you are bleeding. You cant bear tonight

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Also if you actually bleed me you are 100% scum.

Call out other peoples claims? Katze was claiming it and I was claiming I can help them with what they wanted to do tonight. Also I left to play EU4 because there was nothing else for me to do and I had no heat on me when I left the thread.

When did I even get heat on me? What the fuck are you on about?

Iā€™m on break did I miss anything important

Because I donā€™t give a shit, Iā€™ll tell you that.

Do you guys want me to fucking claim ffs?

Wow hypocrisy, nice to see it.

Iā€™m prince

lol no im not

i forgot prince is non-unique so our 3 prince claims is just natural

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Pranked!!! lmao

Iā€™m never fucking claiming

itā€™s fine, your dead body will show it.