[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

And in which case I probably have the highest NE equity because I’ve pushed on villagers all game and towncored a wolf.

I think we are indeed in LYLO/MYLO, except not really because we know for a fact that Alice is a wolf.

Ugh… okay. Are we ready then?
–also, I skimmed Dat’s ISO. What’s with him and self-healing to prove himself?
Like, how does one even prove that they are BD by self-heal?

The weird thing about it is that it’d kinda out SnakeEater as a wolf with him if DatBird is a wolf.

…wut? …wait, you mean Snake will attack DatBird, and DatBird will self-heal?
Humu… I guess that works.

…so? Is there anything that I can do?

I mean that Snake won’t attack him whatsoever, and Dat will claim he healed himself from the “attack.”

Your job is to wifom a guard tonight to hopefully get a save and potential clear.
Or you guard one of the two lock villagers. Basically wifom it.

…sigh. For starters; why won’t Snake attack Dat? Did he even get the memo, or has he gone AFK?

Uh… okay. I use the best WIFOM method then; RNG.

The thing is, if Snake and Dat are wolves together, then telling Snake to attack Dat because Snake claims Archer… see the problem here? Snake won’t attack his buddy. He can’t attack his buddy. So DatBird won’t die, and DatBird is going to claim he healed himself from Snake’s “attack,” when it doesn’t exist.

Are you sure these stuff aren’t confirmable?
Surely some people have to be confirmable as BD other than King and Prince?

Through past night actions and all? Results?

I’m gonna check them.

Nobody’s mech confirmed as BD other than you and Italy.

Which is exactly why this game is a mess.

If we were to go by solviness alone then me/Chloe/Poss are all villagers and the wolves are in snake/datbird/drybones.


Wouldn’t that mean that it just becomes tonereads and biased opinions!?

…100% DryBones then.

Happy about replacing in?

Nope! In the first place, I HATE being King! It makes me feel responsible for every mislynch I witness!
Then comes the fact that I am confirmed BD… If I were to switch roles with yours or Seth’s, I could’ve used my best talent, AtE, to convince others I am town.

But now I get to do literally nothing and wait!

You’re hilarious.

…nice to meet you. Hailing from NUF, the self-proclaimed 2nd worst forum to play FM; Zone Q11.

*extends hand*



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