[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

@Chloe, you said that Snake couldn’t be N1 convert, so if DatBird is N1 convert, then DatBird becomes the new Assa, right?

There’s pretty much no way I’m the current assassin. If Dry is truth telling, we don’t have 3 unseen…we have 2.

Im NK candidate, but I’d have to be one of the U.N.-occable ones because Chloe claims I was occed last night and there’s a kill. You don’t occ me tonight, because I’m either:

  1. Phys
  2. Unoccable NK
  3. Latest convert, who wont be able to kill until new assassin is dead.

There isnt room for both of them to bd BD from my perspective

Yes dat would be assa now

2 kills last night*

I mean… Reaper is unoccable NK if they spend a soul.
…wait, but DryBones was emp’ed by Vulgard. Does this bypass the occ-immunity?

Then why do you choose to occ Possessed over DatBird? I thought we’re more wary of DatBird than Possessed?

^ See?

I AM more wary of Dat. I do not want fo occ Possessed. I simply brought this up as an option

Jesus Christ. Its fucking Chloe!

So 2 kills last night. Wazza dead so that HAS to be an NK kill, not a 2for1. Why wouldn’t unseen 2for1 at this stage in the game?

Why? Because they used it. On Chloe. Like Alice said.

…oh. In that case we’re good with:

Snake attack Dat, Dat selfheal, you occ Dat, and Possessed heal Dat


Why are you ignoring the fact that you literally are a Phys claim with a possible heal?

We have no way to know that they didn’t 2f1 last night, as we had many protectives all over the place

Oh? Ooh… Huh. This works…? 2f1 attack Chloe + Marshal, NK Chloe attacks Wazza…
It certainly seems plausible alright.

That possible heal would be on me btw

Does this also check out with everyone else’s claims?

That is true

I forgot he targeted you.
But it does not stop the fact that we had many protectives last night and there is a high probability that they hit one

Why did you heal again, dat?

Who* oops

Hm… How many protectives do we have? Jailed by Prince Italy, DatBird Phys and Possessed Phys.
That’s only three. Who did these 3 target?

You also guarded vul

Vul also ice warded dry

Why I healed. Cause it’s my job. Who I healed was Dry as he seemed really comparable to Anime FM Day 3 so I tr him. Plus he had a like a tuffle with Wazza who I thought was groupscum with squid


Yeah i meant who lmfo