[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

There CAN’T be 2 Converts


Night 1 - They Converted
Night 2 - They had a Max of 3 Members so they can’t convert.
Night 3 - I Roleblocked Alice


…welp. That sucks.

I mean… For this to happen, I’d have to believe your Butler claim.

Well if your Town then Chloe is NK so obvious that’s the right way to go about it.

they could have converted N2 we dont know

I’m 70-30 Chloe-Dry as NK right now.

But you know even though I claimed first.
Because Chloe is a “Stronger Player” I HAVE TO BE FAKE BUTLER RIGHT!?

Lol I hate bias games.

If the Converted is Snake and Chloe then what?

Chloe NK, Snake Converted

claiming first doesnt mean much other than we have more things to trace back to if you like change your class as a rt. Its a matter of reads.

If Stronger = More Active, then… sure.

Me too, but I am a hypocrite.
I like it when I can be biased, but not otherwise.

I think the fact that we haven’t seen a bleed since D1 means unseen tried to bleed Napoleon D2. Neither me nor EVO-Dat outted this so they haven’t known.

also Alice was mm so a convert totally could have happened n3

Do you believe that Alice would convert Snake, someone who’s been away for almost 22 hours by now?

meant to reply to drybones my b

Chloe Slipped.
They know there will be an Assassin Kill and your not Assassin!

If Dry is legit, and Vulgard is (which I know he is), Alice was occed.

oh yeah i forgot about empower

thats not really a slip. bad pov but not a slip

I mean… Wazza’s logs say that he attempted to bleed Alice, but I don’t think that’s not relevant.

Oh. Didn’t think of that.
I always forget that passive for some reason.

Dude i have literally played 3 games here
1st one we won because groupscum were all slankers, and MM fucked up their fakeclaim results

2nd one I was Sellsword and I managed to get myself mislynched… which only extended the stomp of a game

3rd one I was town killer and managed to kill 0 people, and I trusted a converted vul fully

You have no basis for this lmfao
Im new
I’m a ToL player not forum player