[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Me and Possessed both viewed him as scum

Go sleep

We will wait a while for him

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This is correct, and I do recall us being the only two that did. Unfortunately, I think we were wrong and at the time of belief he was Archer.

*[quote=“Possessed, post:15145, topic:81126, full:true”]
This is correct, and I do recall us being the only two that did. Unfortunately, I think we were wrong and at the time of belief he was Archer.

I’d agree with you

Your Top Tier.
You can pull of this NK Win.

However, unfortunately for you Seth is in the game.
Meaning Seth won’t let you have your win just because your a Good Player.
Seth will do what ever it takes to win a game.
So he will make it clear for Town and simple.
Chloe is NK. If you need Seth to die to see it then so be it but Chloe is NK.

okay got it

will eagleshoot that guy.

Who did you target last night

N3? you mean?

no one, forgot to submit an action

Twice in a row?

SnakeEater32 has provided a defense. The court may now decide whether to vote execute or pardon.

wait, we talking n3?


I think this is the converted lol

/pardon lets get to the alice lynch


it’s fine if you wanna exe me.

feel free to do so.

N3. What you do?

Can I have your full Will please!