[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

@SnakeEater32 Why is Dat not dead.
@DatBird Why are there no kills when i occupied you


Italy you madwoman

was dryā€¦not jailed?

Dry had to be.

Italy had the galaxybrain move of not executing

@DatBird Who did you heal?

Oh you occed him

He didnā€™t have to be jailed - Alice had dose

Also not executing Dry was not the play

Iā€™m not commenting on Aliceā€™s logs because I am not the fucking nk

I want clarity with @Italy and @Zone_Q11 on what they did last night. Also Vulgard.

King likely guarded Italy, Dat was occed and Dry should have at least been jailed and hopefully talked to prove he was jailed.

This part doesnā€™t make sense. Would Snake really be the latest convert?

And no, Dat wasnā€™t my heal last night.

He either forgot to use an ability, Dat is real and selfhealed, Dat was guarded/ice warded

Does self heal go thru if it isnt a visit

Guess iā€™ll ask

Yes. Wait duh, then heā€™s not assassin.

Well i occupied him. Iā€™m asking if the self-heal would go thru as it isnt a visit

If Snake hits Dat and Dat self-cares, heā€™s either NK or Phys.