[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Should have

occā€™d n1
maybe killed n2 (exhume would be nice)
killed wazza n3
probably day occā€™d italy
no kill n4

2? 3?
Idk i cant math

@ChopChop who did you occ

Big brain d1 claiming prince with no sellsword

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they either have to buff prince in response or revert this change because holy shit i am the biggest meme
iā€™ve been dayocced so many times itā€™s starting to become sad and depressing

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my guess is he tried to occ me

letā€™s see
two bus drivers (both MMs with tavernkeep abilities)
if we assume reaper, lots and lots of empowered reaps

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Just donā€™t give MM day abilities. Problem solved.

The issue is they can openwolf and still dayocc coast to win.

imagine openwolfing and day-occing

thanks alice

Donā€™t guess, I want to hear it.

So Italy you have jailedā€¦
One person?
This entire game?

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basically yes

Just take Prince out of the classlist at this rate

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Who needs prince amirite


Oddly, this is a true statement this game.


God Iā€™m so impatient

I need night actions from ppl

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Vul and Zone are europe bois so they might be asleep

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Yeah :weary:

How dare they not fuck up their sleep schedules for us


honestly iā€™m such a joke that people arenā€™t even bothering to kill me
i shouldā€™ve been like
night one kill