[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

They did? I don’t remember it then. So if that’s the case, they’d have hit me and my thought process last night was right for the wrong reasons.

Yup, you’re just a warm bodied vote right now :upside_down_face:

Okay, yeah. NK most likely targeted me.


Or they were occupied. :thinking:

No ITAs :upside_down_face:

Right now I’m thinking assassin hit me, NK.was occupied. This might change if we ever see Snake.

Huh… an occ’ed NK and/or an occ’ed Assa.
…yep. Also possible.

Do mechanics even help us rn? Feels like literally anything could’ve happened last night. I’m not even all that surprised that no one died.

No no no.

If Chloe is NK, assassin wasn’t occed.

And if Dry is NK, NK wasn’t occed.

The dosing is ruining this game rn.

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I see… so one of them got blocked?

You ever waste all executions as Prince not because you executed a BD, but because all of them failed because your jail failed?

Chloe claims RB on Dat.

Dry claims RB on Chloe.

Dat claims self-heal.

Snake claims ???

…wait a minute. This means that it’s Chloe.

Likliest of cases, unless NK and Assassin hit:

You twice.

Me twice.

Me and you.

Any combination of me/you and Dat, who was supposed to self-care last night or die anyway.

No matter if it’s NK or Assa, someone has got to be occ’ed. If it isn’t Chloe, then it is DatBird. Chloe is pushed by Alice, but DatBird is…

Did Alice or Squid say anything about Dat?

The reason I think Dat is exactly Assassin in the first place is because both flipped Unseen have avoided talking about him, really. Squid just pushed him when she was already on the chopping block, iirc.

Unlikely if it was out youd be ice Warded.

Probably most possible, but I mean…what are the odds?

Possible, but again…you were set to be ice Warded.

This never happens.

Chloe made that assessment too and I agree with both of you there.