[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

/vote Snake again

honestly we wouldnā€™t have had a fucking chance if unseen actually cared as much as chloe did about killing me

Italy I literally just explained how its impossible for Zone to be king. Besides you heā€™s most confirmed BD, even if heā€™s a little slow with the Snake GT anfgiving Chloe the self-hammer.

thereā€™s a way unseen couldā€™ve won this game but thatā€™s postgame stuff and we still have to actually WIN the game
i think lynching snake is the play
if snake is not unseen, dat should go next

@Zone_Q11 you have been dethroned


they just sat around stabbing randos when they had TAVERNKEEPER REDIRECTION power which couldā€™ve fucking destroyed me

they thought an italian-but-not-really prince wasnā€™t threatening

I guess Iā€™m slow too

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Votee Voted by Votes
Snake DatBird 1/4

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitchā€“

the dayoccs in this game are such a meme
i mean
they are definitely something that needs to be nerfed
but they are still a meme

biggest prince meme since syndicate

This game would be a stomp without it due to lucky BD night actions.

okay so they have to AT THE VERY LEAST make prince dayocc immune if theyā€™re keeping this

reminder that in looming threat we would have like 6 BD deaths night 1 if luxy didnā€™t manage to jail himself (bastard mechanics!!!)

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if theyā€™re keeping this they need to buff cult
cult is now significantly weaker than unseen and i think it has always been weaker

i have been dayoccupied at least THREE times this game

the only advantage cult has over unseen is the fact they can have more members and they always have a converter
thatā€™s it
they have way lower KP, lower fakeclaimability because they have a limited number of classes and what they can do is also limited as a resultā€¦
and they canā€™t dayocc the prince 3 times in a row

anyway uh
@SnakeEater32 are you gonna play today? because youā€™re getting lynched if you donā€™t play and your faction wouldnā€™t want that to happen

if he hadnā€™t done anything by the time i returned i advocate quicklynching him right here