[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

dew it nerd

try not getting conquered by ulm

my class can be found on the FoL class cards thread

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Any reason why you wouldn’t hard claim?

I actually conquered France as Ulm one time.

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It wasn’t easy and that’s a fact.

see my class can be found in a very addictive vidya game :sunglasses:

Did you just soft claim???

i don’t like claiming

i don’t claiming early

and i don’t like massclaims

Guys i’m gonna have to claim

I’m king

i CC king

OH shit

Pret here stabbing king tonight

Bro why this game gotta force me to have a good sleeping schedule. Can’t a girl sleep until noon in peace?


Quick question, why are you assuming that this is an Unseen game?

Guys ping me when n.1 talks until then i’m not gonna talk for some hours

also find it funny how vul and i both said corrupt king despite that not actually being the name of unseen king


Same question to you.

'twas a joke

i just like throwing out random guesses cuz it would be funny if i were right

i did this once in a SFoL and got luxy’s exact class