[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

zone is literally king
he dies if we make it to final 3

I apologize @Italy

Thereā€™s circumstances I.didnā€™t account for.

Room of Shame
itā€™s where you go if you donā€™t jail anyone in throne of lies

ok then /vote Vulgard

Only way Dat doesnā€™t die is if we have a Safe FMPoV.


Humuā€¦ I see.
ā€¦so? Whatā€™s even the current status?
Snake wasnā€™t the Assassinā€¦ but what does that even mean for us?


Well Hi Italy at this point we are misclearing someone. Feel free to axe me but make sure you are active in thread at SOD and make sure u put people on blast.

N1Heal Vulgard
N1 slept peacefully
D2 inoculate Napoeloen
N2 Heal Nappy around 1 day ago
N2 slept peacefully
N3 heal Dry
n3 slept peacefully
D3 exhume Derps by neut
N4: Self Heal
slept peacefully
N5: Heal Italy
slept peacefully

atp we are misreading someone. My best bet would be Vulgard. His lack of a re eval on my slot even today makes me think he knows what going on, especially his talk throughout today about how scum can win this if they do this one exact thing. it seems like such tmi to my slot. Im gonna put this in my will with a bit more expanding on my reads through next 24 hours. Please consider it.
Possessed had some weird posts concerning my slot right when I joined, but otherwise has been good.
And I think Dry is pretty fine by the NK lynch. I would go all in on it being Vul.

These were my logs/bit of what I sent to Italy.

Votee Voted by Votes
Vulgard DatBird 1/4

mathematically this game is in an unwinnable lock for unseen
weā€™re just going to keep killing people until we either kill the last unseen or reach a final 3, in which unseen mathematically cannot win

But this vote makes me go ???

Holā€™ up. Let me use allies first.

i got dinner to make. Italy do me a favor jail Vul. Idc if yall lynch me atp to prove it, but I think hes been pulling the strongs, that or the answer is just zone

Zone, who did you guard? Because I healed Italy

Vul isnā€™t assassin or youā€™d be dead to Snake kill.

I was never occed? Chloe the NK was occing me remember

I self healed jfc

I didnā€™t guard anyone. N3 was on Vulgard, while N4 and N5 were spent on myself.

Its entirely possible that Dry is Servent who occed Snake on Dat kill as well

My brain hurts, fuck unseen games

Well I wasnā€™t attacked.

Vulgard wasnā€™t attacked.

Italy could have been but idk.

Assassin is Dat, convert is LITERAL toss up. But Dats vote makes me think Dry is Serv