[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Like…if it’s not dry it has to be EK. I didn’t heal King and Vulgard is Sage at worst

I’d rather this way ONLY because I just want this game to end Tbh

I’m spent, I can’t imagine how unseen are feeling

i know it’s super likely that dry is scum here
but i also kind of just want to get the day over with

I get it, I really do but you’re saving time by prolonging this game.

Wasting time*

zone is asleep rn i think and if dry is unseen he sure as hell won’t selfhammer here
is vulgard awake

@ChopChop I know you want this game to end, can you Self Vote so we can figure out this “why is king alive?” situation?

/vote Drybones

slide to the left
slide to the right

Is Vulgard currently jailed?

just put vulgard to jail

/Vote Drybones

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Vulgard DryBones 1/3
DryBones Italy, Possessed 2/3

when you CFD twice not even two hours into the day


I mean, its not like…an.actual CFD. There’s really no way unseen wins this FMPoV. Dry flips Butler, King is lock EK

…which might be why he won’t slam this…

@Vulgard slam this

zone is asleep rn i think

EK wouldn’t slam it anyway

i don’t know vulgard’s sleep schedule