[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

dat when he hears “flavor claiming is prohibited”

Was Mafia evil faction?

Because Ami flipped Mafia


it was me, ami, arete, vulgard, datbird, settoblow


Well some games Mafia isn’t evil faction so just making sure

mafia chat was fun

we didn’t know how to do < filler > and so any time we dind’t hit 10 charachter limit we would say "ten characters

Well you must think I’m a Lovecraftian abomination for having a normal sleep schedule :slight_smile:.

i said sheeping

although sleeping is also for nerds

You should look at Virtuous II that’s a more recent scum game

My mistake.

i didn’t think we were looking at LoTRFM to get reads, just reminisce

Can I get a link? I’m lazy.


im ready for the zero/lowposters to show up

i need juice

Katze’s question of why massclaim D1 seems like a wolf post. Claim train is the meta these days.

do it nerd

don’t you think i’d want people to claim if i were scum :thinking:

Sure I’ll bite. Archer here.