[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

And he claimed to noaction last night. Why would he lie as BD?


If he’s Unseen then this changes nothing regarding the KP situation as he’s never the Assassin and can only ever be the convert. And even if he was the Assassin, Possessed would still be mech cleared by Chloe because both NK and Assassin acted last night.

Yeah, I feel like Occam’s Razor dictates it’s DryBones NK, DatBird Assassin, and myself/Possessed/Chloe as last night’s convert. I know it’s not me, and I would hope the amount of solving I’ve been trying to do today mildly clears me, but it probably just… doesn’t. I think Chloe’s towny. Which is not to say Possessed has been terrible. Just… not villagery enough by comparison, IMO.

Obviously immediate re-eval if any of the above isn’t true.

This is going to be taken out of context.
I feel like it would be nice for SnakeEater to kill himself. But it’s impossible, so I’d rather have him try to yolokill? Either Chloe/Possessed, or even me if he thinks I’m a wolf. I don’t think anyone else is ever last night’s convert, unless it’s exactly him (the implication being DatBird was BD yesterday).

I’d kill Possessed over Chloe rn, but I’m not SnakeEater.

A self-kill would take him out of the PoE and remove the possibility of a janky convert, but eh. I’m dreaming.

What the fuck vul


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Okay now i go

I couldnt pass that up

This game has 18 players and more posts than 30+ player mashes.

And it’s not even over yet. Wtf.

This is one of the reasons I’m trusting Chloe here. If she’s fake, she could have said she occed Dry or EVO or something and with the Marshal kill…I’d make a good push

Who did Dry occupy?

Allegedly, Alice.

If DryBones is real then we live in a world with only 2 Unseen and not 3, which is a small consolation prize in case we mislynch him.
No way he was stopped, because I Ice Warded him last night.

That’s a bold, unprovable exclamation. Though…in the event its true they don’t have a convert.

And in the Alice converted unseen know he’s NK. If he’s NK, he lost.

In the event Alice*

Do we end this day in 19h or whatever? Near the same time as SoD

Or should we wait until regular EoD