[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

And rn I’m wondering if it was actually true. To be fair Unseen mechanically can’t kill her unless they take all of her souls, they need our votes. Assuming she’s NK.

I’m currently considering the world where she wasn’t lying.

I don’t think she’s spiteful. Frankly her play makes 0 sense this game. That’s why I said somebody hacked her account. She doesn’t just randomly openwolf for no reasom.


Chloe is a Strong Player. I hate it when people accept losing if no Strong player alive is Town.
Let’s say there’s a game where Chloe, Marshal, Vulgard and Arete are all mafia members.
Are you actually considering losing?
Like cmon, WTF.

I feel like if Chloe is a wolf (NK) this game, then she somehow managed to improve massively in a super short span of time. Doesn’t seem possible…?

Or Alice was going for a scum-spew to clear Chloe instead.

Holy shit I think Chloe might be the NK. This is one of the reasons I wanted Dry/Chloe to occ each Other but if Chloe is NK we don’t have a convert.

Let’s ask @Alice
Is Chloe actual NK?

Never underestimate a players capabilities. And lone scum is easier to play imo

So have you been. You’ve both played strongly.

This honestly still seems super elaborate to me. Not sure if too elaborate to be faked.

Remember I was the first to claim I RBed Chloe and Pushed it.
Would I really do that as NK?
No, I absolutely would not.
Plus the night I RBed Chloe there was no BD death’s that’s why I pushed Chloe so hard.

Oh fuck.
Didn’t EVO Claim they were on you?

Everything in Alice’s post makes sense as an accusation. Would she openwolf to get the NK yeeted? …They had three members. She was a disposable Assassin. Maybe she would…?

That’s a genuine analysis from an openwolf that is screwing an NK over.

Seems baffling at first, because she was in a great position, but if wolves knew the NK was someone who’s never getting lynched, then they could lose to her in f4… maybe that’s why?

We agreed during the day that we were never going to heal the King because the King wasn’t very useful.

Id never pull that play as caught wolf. I’d make a fake scenario to accuse a person who I knew was town to be NK.

She wasn’t a caught wolf, though. She was being super TRed. It came out of nowhere.

I have to drive rn but i’ll be back soon