[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

I’ve had over 1000 posts to read through when I woke up today. I skimmed through them.


he kind of explicitly said he wasn’t archer

Marshal do you want a refresher as to what has happened?


This thread wants to have a serious chat with you.

Understandable. d1 also sucks so you get a pass this time



I said I don’t claim Archer.
Additionally I said I can help Katze.

Oh i do remember that. Good shit brother

“i can NOT make marshal not death immune”

although i guess you can read into that both ways

oh i didn’t see not


im a dummi

I feel like I have an advantage because I have more likes than everyone else :eyes:

maybe i should count my likes and be a good person

I’m 75% sure you’re blind.

I have 7 solutions so I am cooler then everyone here

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*9 solutions

If i were blind, would i be able to type out such competent sentances as aksbd wejb 2qe beqwe. hb 9pwqeoh bjewqoieh heqwbe m,qen nqpwie[ [qpwe nfnaij ruhnrjwqp jdasdpi jnw jenjnjnawiow hrbuaiwfuhfuwfih

checkmate librel :sunglasses:

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this is a chipher

And this is where I leave the thread.

thoughts on bullying wazza?

i hit my keyboard a bunch of times

but go ahead and try to decode it

this is the language of the gays

welcome, marshal

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