[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

more interested in the last part

Why is it so hard to wagon Possessed? So many people were suspecting him yesterday and yet getting votes on his wagon seems to be a chore.

It’s mostly mechanics talk, so yeah.

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I have some thoughts regarding this, but I’ll let Vulgard speak first.

yeah i do want vulgard’s take, then urs

I know you’ve been reading me V for a while, but I would like to know why Allies chat specifically did it for you.

I don’t think Napoleon writes this post as a wolf. It contains too many thoughts which are disconnected from one another and there is a healthy amount of solvey motivation / uncertainty here. From my experience Napoleon does not weigh his options nearly as much as a wolf and ends up being more certain with less volume.

beep boop @Vulgard

It’s mostly threatening people

I ISOd your d1 here and in Evolution Mafia side by side in the allies chat and found a similar pattern. You pushed some people early because you didn’t like the fact they were townread by meta, then you were suspected for the push, then you got heated over your push target being cleared by meta, then you started AtEing. You hit all of these major points in Evolution Mafia and you did the exact same thing here. I can repost this in the main thread, although it likely won’t be the exact same, since I don’t think I’m allowed to copy stuff from allies chat anymore.

Also, you don’t do this as a villager. You defend yourself as a villager. You read your accusers. And I can quote posts in your V games where you do this.

Looks at Allies chat

Why does everybody think me or Alice was converted?


answer vul

who else besides chloe or me would be LMAO

This question doesn’t do anything for me because I don’t want to preflip any of derps/braixen. Individually they’ve been outside of lockvillage territory for me.

ok but humor me

what are your thoughts if it is
say they both died rn and flipped v. Who do you suspect

Vote count

Votee Voted by Votes
Braixen SirDerpsAlot, Alice 2/9
Marshal Vulgard, Possessed, EVO 3/9
Alice Braixen 1/9
EVO Marshal 1/9
Ami Napoleon 1/9
Chloe DryBones 1/9
pretty sure this is the actual VC, but I’m on a phone :confused:

It’s basically because of your SoC posts there. D1 your posts didn’t feel like actual thoughts at all and the effort there was pretty… bad, to put it bluntly. In allies chat I got a better feel as you actually put a decent amount of work there and I had a better idea on how your thought process went.

When was his last game as a wolf? His tone here looks very carefree while I shelved it in town as in his last wolf game in my memory he had a harder time posting.

sfol 58 iirc

Has he been fighting against clears here as well? Only one I’ve seen so far is that he refuses to consider the possibility that Luxy was a GK.

Nobody specific? They are easy to push here regardless of one’s alignment. If anything, I’d be suspicious of competent villagers who I previously read village and who still pushed on one or both of the slots without re-evaluating. But that’s an imaginary scenario and I don’t like imaginary scenarios unless I’m forced to plan way ahead.

Against clearing his push target, yes.

Technically Evolution Mafia, but he replaced out.
Also Virtuous was recent and he was alive in there for a while.