[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

you are my lowest scumread

like the lightest one of the bunch

I don’t like this post

It still makes no sense for you to scumread me for little to no reason.

So Katze was scorned. She was one of my null reads .At least we don’t have to worry about Katze causing chaos in the court.

i don’t think your all that towny and i think you have decent scum equity

you are a mostly null scum lean, if i wanted to i would put u in your own category but i didn’t feel like making new ones for both u and squid

Start voting, people.
Voting on real wagons.

/vote vulgard

there isn’t actually any evidence Katze was Scorned.
It might be very likely but it could’ve been a Poss or anythin’.

Granted they probably were Scorned.

/vote Marshal

Can you explain why?


Wait why tf are we going for a lynch this early into day.

I crave more.

Most of my reads are the same. Possessed is probably town based on his interactions with me and others in D1. I got the impression he is a townie angry that no one is paying attention to his reads. Now whether he’d do that as a wolf I can’t say for sure, though his anger D1 leads me to think he’s town.

we still got over a day and a half, why are you pushing for a lynch this early?

Vote count

Votee Voted by Votes
Braixen SirDerpsAlot, Alice 2/9
Marshal Vulgard, Possessed, EVO 3/9
Alice Braixen 1/9
Vulgard Marshal 1/9
Ami Napoleon 1/9
Chloe DryBones 1/9
please tell me if I made an error

I know you’ll find it surprising I upgraded Possessed to a town read from null even though he thinks I’m scum.

The reasoning behind it is ehh and I can’t decide if thag cones from a V!Vul


wouldn’t shock me

poss could go somewhere in there too and folaccount and maybe psquid

@Alice I want your opinion on Marshal, SDA, Vulgard and Braixen if you can.

And @Vulgard I kinda want the same just swap yourself with Alice, of course.