[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

no politics

but same :cry:

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aaa stop voting braix for now. we have so much time. he has nothing more he can say in his defense

just be patient

im voting the cooler wagon

Want to apply some pressure on Napoleon?

join the war room if you wanna discuss that xoxo

i’ll do it with you

/vote napoleon

@Alice Do you mind unvoting Braix for now until like another day passes? I’m worried for hammer before some people even have a chance to speak

Guys lets not execute Braixen for now. We need discussion time. There are 48 hours each day, don’t waste them.

/vote Napoleon

Sorry @Chloe but this needs to be pressured!

/Vote SirDerpsAlot

Do you think the person you voted for is Town or Scum?

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This guy had a weird PFP

Aight pressure all you want but be smart with votes. I stg if this day ends without Gypyx, Squid, and folaccount saying anything, and without Italy jailing anyone, I will cry

god the person who chose that must suck

Vote count

Votee Voted by Votes
Braixen Alice, Wazza 2/9
Marshal Vulgard 1/9
Napoleon Marshal, DryBones 2/9
SirDerpsalot Sirderpsalot 1/9
Tell me if I screwed it up


hi N.1

i see you
i miss you

Scum Probabaly

I didn’t HM last night.

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Nah it’s fine.