[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

:b:ruh cult cant bounty wut

is nappy just town

his bounty target sucked he chose someone who is a sucky lynch but still i doubt he’s BSing :thinking:

Whoever is scum invest is probably laughing their ass off rn

Unless there isn’t one :eyes:

wait why? am i missing something?

Posts like these are softs to my Noble class.

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We have already deduced that softs are fake.

that’s not rlly a noble soft

that could be used to soft drunk, butler, noble, knight, archer, hunter(ish), prince, tavern keeper, etc etc.


“something bad” made me think you were also softing killer

^ in response to nappy

That was a Noble soft. There were like 5-6 Killer claims so what else could I be softing?

Noble is the most likely because you weren’t exactly townread Marshal and claiming a bounty on you can get you lynched if you don’t prove yourself likely town

also why haven’t i claimed

i’ve posted like 1000 times and a lot of people have claimed and i almost always claim

this is pending™ but still kinda funny

i havent hardclaimed but like

p sure everyone knows what i am anyways
fuck massclaim

i actually don’t tbh

ur one of 2 things tho and im not sure it rlly matters

u know what i am but nobody else does

i mean yeah but both of those classes i could be are quite powerful imo
also im probably wrong on what you are but - its the thought that counts

I haven’t seen any investigative or support claims yet. All the claims I’ve seen soft and hard are killer classes.

Possessed claims phys


How is Ami a sucky target? Legit no one else townread this slot except you.

nah but even if she’s nontown she doesn’t worry me

and she’s flatly in her town meta