[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Have a good night Marshal-San.


Caught up yet?

1k to go.

It’s not a pleasant read.

I believe in you @Vulgard. You can do it!

Before I catch up, might as well out the reads I had at EoN 1.

I trust Alice and I think Gypyx should die to the bleed, thus becoming s e l f r e s o l v i n g. I’m not confident about the guy’s alignment. The first thing he wrote in our chat was a Psychopathic King claim. This should probably die.
At the end of the Allies Chat, my reads were exactly this: EVO/Braixen groupscum, DryBones NK, Possessed NE, Marshal/Derps/Ami/Wazza contain 1+ neutral and may contain more evils if one of the previous reads is wrong, otherwise they are just villagers. Everyone else who isn’t mentioned is someone I read villa to varied extent. Me and Alice are mostly on the same page here.

Obviously I’ve re-evaled since then. I don’t think EVO is a wolf anymore for reasons I’ve already stated before. DryBones is apparently in his V meta now, even though I think he’s being given a free pass too easily, but w/e. Possessed I’m kinda flip-flopping on right now but still leaning WOLF, WOLF, WOLF WOLF WOLF, as Marshal would say. Marshal/Derps/Ami/Wazza – thinking Marshal is a wolf and Derps might be one too. No opinion about Ami because Ami hasn’t been doing much, but at least she isn’t afraid to post and hasn’t been frozen anymore, so that’s a decent look right there.

As for Wazza, I kinda think his claim is legit, but at the same time, I don’t really have many other reasons to V read him? Sorry Wazza, I just don’t think you’ve done anything clearing. :upside_down_face:

People I haven’t mentioned are people I V read to varied extent, although that might change. Alice/Chloe/Napoleon/EVO are my solid V reads right now. Wouldn’t towncore Ami but wouldn’t lynch there, either.

Vote count

Votee Voted by Votes
Braixen Alice, Wazza 2/9
Marshal Vulgard 1/9
SirDerpsalot Sirderpsalot, Marshal, Braixen 3/9
Crichard DryBones 1/9
Ami Napoleon 1/9
Possessed folaccount 1/9

I would probably be reading folaccount as V if I didn’t know better. It’s not a newbie player behind the steering wheel. :upside_down_face:

Also, I have no idea what’s going on in the thread. I’m reading about people allegedly lying about their experience and about smoking weed. Wtf.

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Damn you caught up quickly

Yeah the chat was … weird to say the least.

Thoughts regarding Braixen, Marshal, and Poss?

By the way, caution is V AI for Squid. I hydrad with her and I know this.

I still think all three are wolves…

This guy has been saying I was converted all day but has 0 evidence for it and hasn’t been able to pinpoint that. Don’t you think he’d try to make a convert read on me or something? It feels like he keeps repeating that statement for the thread to believe it instead of building a case and going from there.

And people are buying it.

I dislike the convert reads that people are making here, tbh. Rn I haven’t really seen much solid evidence for it and it pretty much relies mostly on probability and many of them have been made excessively prematurely.

Who exactly is buying it? So far the only people I’m seeing floating this theory on you are Poss/Marshall/Derps and maybe Braixen.

Terrible idea. No.

Also, Ami being bountied makes me more inclined to lynch her just for that reason.

The guy promised reads on our Allies chat, then wrote… one post, and that was it. He’s not doing anything in the thread.
I don’t know why his WiM is so low if he decided to replace in. Might just be a wolf who’s given up, I dunno. It’s >rand. Let it die.

I don’t. He’s not playing.

And now DryBones is following his V meta as Alice described to a T. I kinda see it. The problem is that he did the opposite day 1, which baffles me.


What is this wagon and why does it exist? The wagon formation is terribad fmpov and it looks like a random distancing wagon instead of a serious attempt to pressure / lynch.

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That’s the problem. The wolfy players are parroting it. Either they are naive villagers or they are aligned with the wolves and doing that shit.

Thoughts on Derps/Braixen’s interactions?

You might be onto something. These two have been wolfreading each other, but aren’t really trying to lynch each other. Typically a sign of W/W distancing. The distinction between “actually tries to lynch” and “actually doesn’t try to lynch” is important here.

Do you think we might be seeing a NK/Cultseen going at it?