[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

I’m over confident in my reads

Gotta go to work now

i’m actually duke and that’s why i survived N1
you’ve all been duped


Ah shit ah fuck


Aside from Vulgard and EVO, what are your wolfreads?

ok imma make this kinda detailed but uh.

basically ami here is nearly a carbon copy of FoL25 ami. Like very very similar.

like… a fairly low amount of posts and almost all fluff, and then also kept repeating a soft thing or some mantra. Like this

(i can also prove this was an archer soft if need be but uh rn idrc)

shit like this.

this shit. It’s like a schtick. she also softed in this game.

so like there i saw an ami who barely tried d1 and d2(but gave some reads d2) and softed a bunch and had a dumb series of posts or a schtick.

I feel like an ami who was recenly bragging about her recent game being a “masterclass in powerwolfing” does that again.

so there

vibe checked


for science

but i’ll say something - crich has decent NK equity IMO and poss has decent NE equity

ty for coming to le ted talk

Once again, I ain’t bleeding anyone, you can fuck off, just like Marshal.

Do you trust alice?

she knows the mech reason why this could clear you unless i’m just unlucky

Yes, I trust Alice.

But I ain’t bleeding anyone as I trust myself more.

You seem to be awfully resistant which makes me believe the team is You and EVO who converted Chloe.
Look at it this way.
Braix is Scum = EVO gets a Heal. Yay!
Braix is Town = EVO is Confirmed Scum


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Has anyone been bleed by someone other than Braixen yet?

what is this post btw?


I haven’t bled anyone and I assume you haven’t either.

Always Jail EVO tonight.
If Brax flips Town, Execute them.
If Brax flips Scum, Heal then.

Nope. I bled no one.

i mean does evo need a heal if he wasn’t bled?

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Hell no. EVO’s extremely likely to be BD here.