[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win


but if he does whaddya think?

Scumlist before I die

Wazza - Demon
CRichard - Sellsword
Chloe - Servant
SDA - Assassin

can caba day occ?

also assa can’t day occ 4head

Those are 7 evil classes that you can be and 6 if you remove Scorned.

3 of them are from the same faction.
2 of them are from the same faction.
And 1 of them is an NK.

Servant not Alco? interesting

Evo - Cult leader
Wazza - Acolyte
Vul - random cult
Crich - random NK
Poss - Sellsword/warlock

Excuse me? Can you read.

Granted Cabalist one might be read wrong on my end.

i don’t think the first one is a day occ.
however i didn’t see the 2nd one

PB then

Yeah I don’t think the 1st one is but it might be.
Still doesn’t change the fact that, despite me being Hunter, dontcha think you would ya know, read up on the evil classes I can be?

I don’t understand what this means

Pb stands for Plague Bearer it is your class

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I did read up on the evils you could be

p sure marshall is town dudes
but if braixen flips town I want to re-evaluate the slot

and either way why would i not just… occ italy if i am lying about having day occ.

like… ?
the fact that it didn’t happen makes me think it’s cult game for sure which makes me suspect wazz even more

:b:ruh braixen is flipping town dingus

Guys chloe just liked the message saying that she was plague beared :eyes:

So I give you a chance to persuade me and others to take my vote off you. Now you’re shading me as SS? Nice work.

@ChopChop Yo gimme 2 or 3 people you are considering targeting. I don’t want to overlap