[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - Game filled, backups appreciated (18/18)

welcome :wave:

due to your name im gonna call you a nerd

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Due to the name, I already love this person.

Thank you all!

I guess this game is like Town of Salem with a King?


Why is cheese not playing this game

cheese come over here and teach me how this works

Hey Calculus how are you?
Welcome to FoL.

I’m good - thank you!

How about you?

Good thanks.
I see you mentioned cheese. He’s a regular here.
Friend of yours?

Insert some clever joke calling Calculus a nerd because math, or something

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it also has conversion

and unlike ToS, wolves occasionally win


That’s why I joined to begin with.

It was hard to ignore him spamming the server with invitations to his game…

what does conversion mean?

Calculus if you have questions about game mechanics, you’re always free to ask the hosts in your class card.
They’ll always answer you, don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Cult/Unseen in this game can turn a Blue Dragon/Town into their Cult/Unseen class.

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mechanics that allow for BD (town/good-aligned) players to be changed into Cult or Unseen (scum/evil-aligned) players

After being converted, you have to play for your new win condition.

That seems really busted but I guess I’ll see how it works…

1.fuck you just based on your name ;p


Ami reminder friendly words :slight_smile: