[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Well that other then the “lgiht” red check.


Fair enough, I also don’t like him, but there isn’t really enough people to vote him out

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Well you should probably finish what you started. Finish your analysis on PKR’s ISO

I don’t think you have to be converted at all. I don’t remember ever saying that.
I’m just saying you had a fairly villagery start (in a weird way), but you’ve been dipping ever since.

Kinda forgot it was a 2 day game I’m used to the 3 days so I thought I had “plenty of time”

Procrastination sucks but I’ll get in done today

I think he exposed himself as potential Mastermind

Alright I’ll get my wall post done in the next hour and a half if I don’t lynch me for being a lazy ass

Saying this for postgame cred:
Wolves are indeed in the low posters, and we’ve been talking in circles as the people actually playing the game without focusing on who actually randed wolf.

Maybe minus the convert. 2 lowposters converting another lowposter would be a good meme, but not exactly practical.

I actually like this answer
Sticking to your guns
And i did appreciate that you didnt go into my iso-dive with a conclusion in mind

These are my d1 takes on people, paraphrased from allies:

Centuries - Sounds and feels genuine and relaxed, like he doesnt give a shit. has unique non-consensus takes. (His lack of allies content makes me sad but… i also think its… more townie? Hes not forcing anything)

TBE - Feels the same as SFoL62 - he was town.

Leafia - Priest slip seemed genuine - as well as her saying “you should SF me." Shes making her own reads and not sheeping consensus or others. :+1:

PKR - I feel like we mindmelded on the PK reaction-test. It felt pretty… real? His opener was honestly a good look cuz hes usually uncomfortable as a wolf and goes immediately into solving n shit

PK - I remember liking his reaction to the impromptu RT. This is in my re-read pile.

Frost - Posting game-related stuff is a good look. But he also did this at the literal end of the day , meaning nobody had time to talk with him. Gimme more on d2

Arete - I havent hated anything they’ve said. No real agenda that ive seen, but theres also no d1 elim. I want them to focus on things other than vul on d2. I have a gutread on this as town.

AtNoName - Feels comfortable and alone. Doesnt overexplain reads - and doesn’t care to make shit up when asked multiple times for reasonings. (Even though his W/W read on me and kat swapped to a T/T read). I’d expect noobwolf to give into the pressure more and provide BS reasonings

Wazza - His stance on me seems too dumb to come from a wolf - and also feels genuine. I want more from him on d2. And not just about me.

Italy - is posting at all. Sadly probably just town. Please do things

Katze - The fact that i cant read them properly makes me think they could be neut/scum. I feel like i should have a solid read by now. We have mindmelded a bit - but I know they are capable of pulling this off as wolf. I am going to spend some time diving into the thoughts of le katto

Calculus - Immediately to solving - and goes straight to scumreads, rather than showing his progressing thought-process with a catch-up post and the like - no me gusta. This is… probably just a paranoid villager though… but im not going to stop keeping an eye on them.

Soul - 95% of his posts are memes or non-game-related. Feels comfortable in thread - like he doesnt care how people feel about his slot. But unfortunately none of this is enough to make him a TL/TR. he can stay in PoE rn

Appel - I remember liking their solviness when they were around. Lack of content makes them null for me though. I need more from this slot.

Vulgard - See earlier posts. Not feelin’ this slot so much. [these are posts i put in allies chat that we discussed a bit]

Amelia - hasnt done anything.

Oh yeah, two Phys claims thunderdomed each other in that game and both flipped Physician. Quality meme.

Let’s say Frost and Vulgard’s reads are correct. Whos the other scum member?

I’m leaning toward the lower posters in general. You/Soul/Amelia.

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i think your NK equity is lower now despite this being 2 years old

Frost your opinion?

Not to mention Italy isn’t contributing to the game and is surprisingly tight-lipped on his reads.



The fact he’s contributed anything at all is making me lean him town.

I did say “isn’t”, did I?