[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

I think I know a certain someone who could bleed him

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Vul have you ever been misyeeted

Currently Iā€™m town reading Pkr fyi; Iā€™ll be giving reasoning soon but Iā€™m about half done

i have two questions for mr. gard

  1. do you think youā€™re playing differently this game than you typically do as a Villagerā„¢ļø

Italy reply Day 1

Chloe: 9
Amelia: 0
Vulgard: 0
AtNoName: 0
PokemonKidRyan: 2
PyschoKang: 0
Katze: 6
Arete: 2
TheBlueElixir: 1
Centuries: 1
Wazza: 0
Calculus: 2
an_gorta_pratai: 0
Frostwolf103: 1
SoulShader55: 0
Appelsiini: 0
Leafia: 0
None (himself): 8

Italy reply Day 2

Chloe: 3
Amelia: 1
Vulgard: 2
AtNoName: 5
PokemonKidRyan: 1
PyschoKang: 2
Katze: 9
Arete: 3
TheBlueElixir: 2
Centuries: 0
Wazza: 5
Calculus: 0
an_gorta_pratai: 0
Frostwolf103: 0
Appelsiini: 0
Leafia - Dead
None (himself): 12

Thatā€™s what I got so far and unless you have good degree with mathematics and applying with methods to narrow down suspects, it isnā€™t going to be easy.

Nevertheless I do see a change on who he interacts who he havenā€™t did so in the first day compared to second day so far.

Even with math, there are legit town who have questioned what he was doing, so it wonā€™t change anything.

Well you asked on who the other groupscum and convert are if there is one, AtNoName.

I didnā€™t want any specific people

Done the reads if anyone wants I can get another one done by EOD, In general this post was smaller then I expected beacause a lot of Pkrā€™s posts Iā€™d find hard to make a read or it would be fluff but in summary PKR is a Town Lean but more of a Town Core due to the bleed for me at least


First post, fine generic one that doesnā€™t seem to rise anything which is generally NAI, I personally prefer the type of posts that will cause some actual conversation to happen ect. but I donā€™t expect everyone to do this.

I wish this actually had some reasoning behind it itā€™s all good saying ā€œyeah they seem goodā€ but without reasoning I dislike it, like Iā€™ve explained before in general Iā€™m a more fan of reading a player based on their actual content instead of just a read from the ā€œgutā€ Iā€™m not 100% on knowning how PKRā€™s playstyle is but in general I find this lazy and a excuse to seem like a active town, itā€™s better if PKR gave actual quotes and responses to the posts that set him off to believe that.

A lot different from the last post giving quotes to their read in general helps players understand what makes you feel a certain way, Iā€™m going too in general skip over posts that are just ā€œx is town because gut, I feel like thatā€™s a wasteā€

Just going to use this as a example but Iā€™m finding (Early on) that PKR in general is very ā€œFluff heavyā€ Iā€™m not saying this is openly a bad thing (heck knows I fluff a lot without meaning too). but this is here if I miss a important post that I just skimmed over, in general Null vibes from all the fluff

I kinda like the pressure Pkr gave here, feels like they want to create conversation at least and arenā€™t worried, they donā€™t need to be in ā€œhidingā€

Feels good, I like this, I dislike it when players make forced and fake reads, this doesnā€™t feel forced and feels like a townie response

I donā€™t mind this, seems like a Important or Investigative Bd play or a neutral who wants king to know either way I get a town read from this post also.

Good Pressure vote.

Futher Pressure seems Townie.

This seems fine

I personally donā€™t understand how Pkr would read a massive wall post in under a minute but thatā€™s just me, This post I am meh about honestly, I feel like they could have misunderstood me here at least but I personally donā€™t like the idea of giving thoughts on someone elses read based on such a short notice post. (Not directly at Pkr but I do disagree with how he felt about that).

Noted, I donā€™t mind the claim as they found a Killer or Offensive.

Noted, this makes them seem way more Town like just for mechincal reasoning, but before this I was Slight Town Reading them, I personally donā€™t feel like they would be lying about a early bleed, but Iā€™m thinking this bleed is more of a ā€œdistraction bleedā€

Anyway in general I massively Read Pkr as Town right now, if it wasnā€™t for the bleed theyā€™d be a big town lean

Donā€™t. My frustration shouldnā€™t affect anyone in the game like that, I just donā€™t want to be misyeeted with no resistance because ā€œlol vul not villa.ā€ I tried using arguments before, but ā€œlol vulgard not villa.ā€
Sigh. Anyway.

Yes, after a false redcheck. That one was from a villager.
I was getting flashbacks this game.

A bit, maybe? Iā€™m trying to be more vocal. Iā€™ve had enough of Cassandra-style games where Iā€™m right but nobody listens to me because I have no thread presence. Apparently that just makes people vote me.

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You also participated in misyeeting me on day 1 in a turbo because I memed in my first post and apparently that was scum AI, iirc.

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I donā€™t mind being misyeeted in general, I mind being misyeeted based on 0 tangible reasons and with 0 resistance.

But anyway, talking about this probably isnā€™t very helpful.

Does that get you anywhere? Are you thinking Italy was converted for whatever reason or something?

I didnā€™t say converted, even if I was Sheriff I would still wait to out until I found the other member that isnā€™t investigative immune

No I think Italy is potential mastermind who thought it was good idea to claim that class and exclaim in D2 opening to remind us that heā€™s softing that class

Like how did he know the kill on Leafia isnā€™t strongmanned?


question 2. can you towncase yourself this game :^)

Just reading my old posts (Half the time I donā€™t even remember what I say :^)

Looking back at my day 1 It felt kinda shitty with no actual reasoning behind it, my motivation generally was to create conversation, but I went nowhere with that

day 2, I have some fluff but Iā€™ve given my opinions on quite a few posts, Iā€™ve not contributed enough I feel like but I defiently ā€œhavenā€™t contributed anythingā€

But I definitely have not ā€œnot contributed anyhitngā€

Hope that makes more sense god Iā€™m bug brained

wow ffs >:I

To put this in his perspective: he claims to have targeted Leafia and did not survive this which in normal circumstances she should.

So why does he ask heā€™s wondering if Leafia isnā€™t strongmanned?

/vote Italy
@Geyde @Blizer

Did italy change their name or am I really stupid and missed that they were in this game