[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

You forgot he existed, seems to be the case for you.

Iā€™ve seen Italy as scum and town before all I can really note is I canā€™t really read italy as town or scum

Kanye West 2024 :^)
Wazza Soulshade55r 1/9
Vulgard Arete, an_gorta_pratai, PK, Wazza 4/9
Appel PKR 1/9
Amelai Vulgard, Chloe 2/9
Italy Frost 1/9

Diner`s, Drive Ins, and Dives Filming stops in two hours.

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Iā€™m not fully on board with a vulguard lynch rn I was more town leaning them then I was scum, now Iā€™m kinda null but they have a light red check according to wazza which I STILL wish wazza would explain

Would you do that in his shoes?

Wereā€™s the quotes that heā€™d to this

my brain is melting I swear Iā€™m not normally this bad at english


What class did Italy claim (or even soft)? Iā€™m lost or misreading

Italy often is very obvious as Scum.

In games in general I find Italy hard to read my guess is they are LHF more often then not but that doesnā€™t exlude them from being scum

Hi everyone,

So sorry for not contributing this past day! Had some complications, and was preoccupied with something else.
Iā€™ll do some quick reads in the hour and a half that we have.

Letā€™s say heā€™s softing Chronomancer and for some reason he knew Leafia is killed through normal means, if heā€™s town then he should know something went wrong but he doesnā€™t consider it but as ā€œwhat if leafia wasnā€™t strongmannedā€, itā€™s like signalling he knows something I donā€™t know about.

I will be back in half hour since I have dinner time.

I interpret this as them being annoyed with lefia not being protected, asking why people werenā€™t on lefia who could have protected them, I actually see it as not a soft but thatā€™s just me

Sorry to leafia if you had to suffer through seeing me butcher your name

thatā€™s cause itā€™s not a soft

stop soft hunting

i just realized i havent posted a list today lolchloe
iā€™d rather not die with my thoughts scattered everywhere




Vul / Amelia

I have a lot of people who I have genuinely forgotten how I felt about their slot throughout the day
So thats fun

Time to give a sentence or two on each

Katto - Soulread - I took a fieldtrip to their brain. In townmeta - only groupscum if groupscum with Vul imo. But I have reasons :tm: to believe this isnā€™t the case. Playing too rash to be NK.

PKR - Opener was good for him - usually goes straight into solving/mech as scum. He feels comfortable, and I think his take on PKā€™s reaction to the impromptu RT is genuine - doesnā€™t feel agenda-ey. Helped me put pressure on Appel. Idk, i feel like we have mindmelded a bit this game. Also hes now self-resolving :^)

Cent - Genuinely doesnā€™t give a single shit about this game. I see no agenda being pushed. He has unique non-consensus takes, and isnā€™t pulling up BS reasonings - he is justā€¦ nonchalant and relaxed. He also claimed to me in Allies - which is part of this TR - but not the main entrĆ©e.

Aroot - I kinda just vibe with em. I donā€™t see agenda - theyā€™re just chillinā€™. I havenā€™t actively hated anything they have posted. Also kat apparently knows how to read them well and they have them as a TR? Iā€™m sheeping my sister a lot on Aroot. Will be depressed forever if im mistrusting katto.

TBE - He just feels like his natural townie self. Saying thoughts as they come to him - even if theyā€™re weird like ā€œthis person is V but i cant really pin why.ā€ They just feel the same as they did in SFoL62. This is also now self-resolving

Gorta - Allies was good, and hes been acting genuinely solvey when heā€™s around. I like his tone a lot - feelsgoodman.

Wazza - His push on me is dumb - but it feels like he actually believes in it. His insistence on his claim not being obvious-as-fuck, and not even remembering why he scumread me yesterday feels natural. Gimme moar tho. Moar moar moar

Calc - Feels like a paranoid villager. Iā€™d think noobscum (which, they seem like a noob) would give into pressure and stop posting in the weird ā€œhunting bad peopleā€ way that they have been. Also them outting that they were jailed doesnā€™t feel like pr-fishing or purposely removing themself from the Prince PoE.

AT - Okay so I keep mixing up PK and AT ajhwdaw. AT seems genuinely interested in solving, and, at least earlier in the game, when they were asked to explain their reads - especially the swap from me and kat being W/W to me and kat being T/T, they refused - whichā€¦ is lame - but Iā€™d also expect newbscum to give in to the pressure and give a BS reasoning. I havenā€™t seen anything I hate from them.

Appel - Since they have posted more, I can see their perspective a little more, and their take on me doesnā€™t feel like agenda. Itā€™s unique - and Iā€™m honestly surprised nobody else called me out for my flip-flopping on certain slots - because I certainly have been. I still want moremoremore from them. Gimme the juice

Frost - Is solving at all. Also the fact that he was still doing his ā€œfirst 10 postā€ reads halfway into d2 feels super genuine. He could easily have just stopped where he did at EoD and nobody would have noticed. He exists, but I want more.

PK - Hes pretty null for me. But in the sense that I keep seeing things that make me think ā€œis this noobscum?ā€ then seeing other things that make me think ā€œwait noā€¦ is this just noobtown?ā€ Iā€™m swingy on him. I havenā€™t actively despised anything he has done.

Soul - Fatass null. Idk how to read this slot and I honestly forgot he existed until very recently. He kinda just blends in with the background.

Italy - Has posted things - but not a lot of game-related things. I wish he would justā€¦ post. He frustrates me.

Vulgard - Half this read is sheeping kat/arete ngl. However, I did a lot of reading on some of his past games, and didnā€™t really like some of the comparisons I was seeing. He went immediately to solving in his first post here, and it didnā€™t feelā€¦ relaxed like his usual one-liners. Also this game his tone/vibe hasnā€™t been as ā€œopenā€ - he feels stiff - perhaps this is because heā€™s been under the microscope for a while, but it just doesnā€™t feel natural. The whole scorned thing was weird af too and idk how to put it into big-girl words.

Amelia - Please do things.

Day ends in an hour, right?