[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN




were not getting out of here are we

…Does a new player like him really bleed the claimed Prince as scum under pressure and claim it in the thread right away?

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this is an intense moment
and i have no idea who’s who and what’s going on
so i wolf the person who we were bandwagoning like 10 minutes ago

do we kill PK purely out of spite

no this literally makes perfect sense from a ToL player mindset



we’ve had enough bleed claims today that PK is probably town

who … bled the Prince

Yeah I think so -_-

I still think PK is town though


Day ends in 10 minutes

Fucking vote appel


PK literally just claimed to bleed amelia

Ok this is getting out of hand

if PK is a wolf he’s the biggest fucking gamer in the world

i dont think he is that big of a gamer

I dont want rand


wagons bad?

was a statement not a question

Doesn’t mafia have bleed in this game too?

This might be mafia acting stupid.

Yeah and it doesn’t confirm him as Hunter other than he can bleed.

also I thought day was supposed to end but w/e

also, whoever said that healers aren’t guranteed
thank you for the information, i will take note.

day started slightly late

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