[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

Aight i thought this was the case

hence why i asked you this earlier

2 minutes to CFD.
AT popped in just to cast naked votes on viable wagons.
This guy is likely a coasting wolf who wants to have a vote placed at EoD.


/vote Vulgard

osjhfspfafopa[gsdgsa HELP

also hunter is NOT UNIQUE IN FOL


I lost track of time

Vulā€™s had more Written By A Villager posts in the last hour than in the entire rest of the game before now

why couldnā€™t he have done this earlier

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And is now OMGUSing me because I said that.

I already explained it. Do you want me to pull out all the posts where I didnā€™t get obvious jokes? Am I actually getting yeeted because Iā€™m a dry person

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/vote ATNoName

Better late than never.
Yeet AT. He came in just to naked vote and then OMGUS me.

you arent

i wanted that claim
if you didnt give that exact claim
you get yeeted


aaah what is happening aaah

/vote ATN

/vote ATNo

Appel is getting votes way too quickly, almost got yeeted right away.

I can guarantee you at least one of Appel and PK is mafia.

And I believe the mafia between those two is PK.

/vote atn

Claimed in a pure way, donā€™t think so.
