[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN


oh that

I thought you meant today

fair enough

I watched the end of it

ah so you got to see me suffer

you have a good pfp there

and some lad named wiggles was a deepwolf

thats about what I gathered

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After I wake up tomorrow, sure.

Though me not checking you was mostly me thinking that it wasnā€™t necessary because Chloe was in the game, and I also didnā€™t really feel like it. (And it would feel like OMGUS given your take on me d1. A part of my mind was like ā€œan OMGUS check is probably terrible.ā€)

And I also forgot to use Cleanse, so thatā€™s one more reason I didnā€™t go for kat. Italy gets converted basically never.

I felt like checking Italy instead, because I had low expectations regardless of his alignment and wanted some way to not have to worry about him.

The softs are mostly me TRing him for thin reasons.

After I remembered that Fool could frame after death, and read katā€™s posts again, they struck me as way townier as before, so yeah.

Another reason why I donā€™t really want to yeet in the thunderdome today. Kat is trying to solve the game, I think.

I guess I explained stuff even though I said I wouldnā€™t do that yet. Whatever.

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I did notice exactly this lmao

You might remember that I was specifically against pushing Italy despite generally attacking lower posters, this is the reason.

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There are like 5 people alive who are trying to solve the game, and if most of them are wolves, then fuck.

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RM4 flashbacks

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Iā€™m at a point where I just want to trust the remaining voices who are doing things in the thread.

@an_gorta_pratai Any takes? I liked your engagement earlier, but it feels like you donā€™t really know what to do now.

This whole thing with a double check on kat and me and the arguing that followed feels like it never happens with a bunch of wolves, so there might be like, maybe one wolf there? I feel like people are just towny there on re-read.

Would honestly scumread the people who avoided talking about it at all.

Like, if wolves did this, then:

  1. I have no clue what happened with my checks.
  2. Why even do that when you presumably have better things to do.
  3. That was some good theater.

centuries can only sometimes

if cent is legit and healed Chloe and failed by rit he could work, but this is the only sure scenario

if cent is legit and healed chloe and failed due to an invoker the invoker can still occupy/red cent

if cent is lying rit can still heal and falsely confirm themself, meaning he would still only be lock-not-CL(but with one less bleed out)

so i.e. centā€™s mech confirm relies on scum which is no

(and he hasnt existed for too long, and want to take a second look, but I almost didnt because I thought he could actualyl confirm himself)


Vul has a n1 green on Italy
Vul has a n2 green on PKR
PKR has a n2 red on me
Italy has a n2 vul/katze incomp

if i clear vul that means i can clear both pkr and italy

i have a tiny tinfoil that i probably should just ignore

but that tinfoil is

Vulgard Possessor who flipped Arete as Possessor (their treatment of ā€œarete having no logs means arete was prob real NKā€ is kinda weird and i still think that Frosts logs are real ā€“ which would mean Arete is not NK)
Italy would be a real Maid here (since im incomp with NK)
and then PKR would most likely be a Seeker in this world


this arete mystery is going to keep me guessing :upside_down_face:

I also think Frostā€™s logs are real, actually, but what does it change? Arete didnā€™t have to tailor the logs of their attack target, right? Couldnā€™t they just leave the logs as they were?

i think i just have to stick with my ā€œeither vulgard is town or youā€™re fuckedā€ mindset

i still think aretes flip needs more discussion

if frosts logs are real then they have a N1 BD check on Arete

Iā€™ve been under the impression that wasnā€™t compulsory.

Wait, yeah. Ah, fuck, Iā€™m bad at mechanics, I shouldnā€™t be discussing this.
Soulread says that they would be infinitely more likely to have no logs at neut than town.
KP tonight might tell whether NK is alive or not?

the following two statements can almost never both be true

Frostwolfs logs were unedited
Arete is the NK