[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

We have 45 minutes left.

@Soulshade55r @Calculus @an_gorta_pratai @Italy Come over here nerds

theres also precedent for PKR faking redchecks (he faked a red on Seth in insurgency to bus him)

i guess i could see if it was handled similarly but i also donā€™t feel the need to because hes possibly bleeding out tonight and his actions still make so much more sense from a villager pov


you have 35ish minutes

Iā€™m saying Invoker because Kat just said Invoker at one point to point out an anti healer role :man_shrugging:

wait today started early


ritualist is what strongmans erad

not invoker

yeah that

3 hour sleep just woke up

im fairly sure an invoker doesnt exist but the worst an invoker can do to me is occupy me because lolMultiShot

so bring it on nerds

I will personally apologise if me and Vul end up being groupscum.
I promise I am not.

ah yes strong argument guys

/Vote Calculus

Might be busy because of Irl stuff but Iā€™ll try to post when I can (we only got 30 minutes-ish left) we need to come up with a good lynch at this point


Votee Voters Votes
Calculus Vulgard, Amelia, Soul 3/6
Katze PKR 1/6
Soul an_gorta_prata 1/6

i half want to keep calculus alive today for Reasonsā„¢ļø

i also feel like its kinda LHF

eh its already p obvious i was intending on eagle shotting him tonight

Wait, Iā€™m not voting Soul?

/vote Soul


Votee Voters Votes
Calculus Amelia, Soul 2/6
Katze PKR 1/6
Soul an_gorta_prata, Vulgard 2/6

Soul confirmed doublevoter and selfvoter/ater

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Dont test me lol

Day ends in about 20 minutes

I said I made some bad plays and I could have better I didnā€™t say Iā€™ve been playing wolfy the entire game

Hopefully Amelia has jailed someone worth executing at this rate itā€™s a lost cause