[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

So I can assume you went for an Italy shot.

youā€™re telling me i go for a hero shot on someone im 99% sure isnt jailed and theyre fucking jailed

gdi italy


Can you explain this?

You canā€™t kill Italy

Fmpov Italy was a terrible jail target, but after what happened yesterday I suppose I shouldnā€™t talk.

Just for spice reasons, let us think that Fool is alive.
What could happen.

realistically there would be no reason for PKR to fake a redcheck on katze to save you when all cult are replaceable, but if kat was framed and you were CL you would have turned up compatible unless that specific world was a thing

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i only shot him cause he kinda disappeared after the whole redcheck thing

it felt like he kinda just got his cred and dipped

i also thought my other shot target would be jailed

you should really have figured out that you donā€™t just kill italy by now

Your other shotā€¦ was who?

and well

TBE was bleeding out

was a waste to shoot 'im

and here he is

standing here in MY COURT ROOM

i made a shot list last night lemme find it

We absolutely have to yeet a wolf today and probably jail another.

Two questions

  1. Why is PKR alive?
  2. Why is TBE alive?

We need Cent to get in here.
I also need Soul to claim.

if youā€™re interested I have soulā€™s claim

I am indeed interested.


Soul is a court wizard

oh, i misremembered my shot list

it went TBE>Italy>Soul or Appel

TBE was a no because bleeding out, Italy was hero gamer moment, Soul was ā€œthis slot needs to resolve, but itā€™s not CL/Ritualist so its prob not worth shootingā€ and Appel was ā€œim self resolvingā€

and then Amelia because haha shoot prince memes go brrrrrrr