[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

but then PKR claimed the check

Aka never entrust me with a PR or a gun

I panic :^)

Prince is a lot of pressure trust me I’d be 100x worse at leading

it 100% saved you

i would have brewed a poison on D3 and killed you literally always

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Ye it probably did but that bleed claim along with your claimed bounty on PK kinda made you lockwolf for me

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Frost almost Happy Hour`d Appel btw

that would ahve been fucking game changing

i still should have brewed a poison D3

idk why i didnt

but seriously though. why the hell can I make solid reads without even reading half the game in spec chat, but can’t do it at all when playing in game

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That’s actually understandable, but FMPoV I would have done that as good king anyway because this is my first time as king and I want to make a good choice for allies

I think I understand now, but yeah, hopefully this proves that I can be capable as scum

can I say

you are really scary to play against

because I was about to handle your slot the same I did in BotF but you kept bringing up BotF so I got ancy

also you just dont get very influenced by the generally cult-handled consensus

am sad

In an actual game you’re under more pressure

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But hey Chloe this game was a good lesson for both of us, wasn’t it :^)

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I hope I learn from this game to be less afraid of making pushes

Funnily enough

In the back of my mind I considered a tbe convert world

But I never brought it up because I thought somebody else would be since you claimed bled


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heres the mechanical shitshow


Am I now

I’m so easy to ML :^)

You are a capable player

We (Ans for the whole game, me early on) scumread you because you didn’t seem to believe in your capability as much (compared to when you were town) and looked more sheepy when that’s not your playstyle

Not quite, my thought process is in the chat.
But whatever.