[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

those were his real actions

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If you had bountied PK and they lived I wouldnā€™t trust it anyways.

n1 gossip arete because I did actually think they were noble and while I probably shouldve bountied I doesnt feel right to just take someone out of the game so early

I bountied pk because I needed to push agenda and getting a 2 bd in one phase would be priceless there, particularly since we thought wazza wasnā€™t about to take down two at once. (I fakebled PKR the day before for appelā€™s claim)

Then I followed pkr to see if they were actually fool because I thought follow was a track not a watch(framed calc who died the day before)

And on the last night i timewarped gorta

So while I didnā€™t lie about my actions I just forgot about the gossip and I didnt have a good reason for my bounty


i didnt even think of this

your right

Thatā€™s why I scumread you.

I was pretty sure town!TBE would have considered this.

When katze asked you about your reasoning, you never mentioned your own bleed, which made me believe it was fake.

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also pk was super blatantly a real hunter

idc what anyone says

that bleed was pure as fuck


But I mean wazza poisoned pk anyway so :^)

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good one dude

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i mean

i said it in allies chat like 4 times

your mindset aligned perfectly with a ToL Hunter

and also your play would have required you to be an ultra gamer wolf to be a wolf and that world made about zero sense

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thank you thank you

i wished i was an ultra gamer wolf

claim alchemist then claim priest


give it some time

your posts this game prior to the bleed didnā€™t radiate enough gamer energy for me to think you were a gamer wolf though

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Can we get a Vulgard alignment chart

posts from vulgard in all the alignment chart alignments?

specifically from this game?

Like every player in this game

itā€™s vulgard who usually makes them

oh yeah those are great

I have something even better though :^)

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im estimating at least 3 joyous animals

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Not to mention no one is alarming their bells when nothing happened with Areteā€™s gossip N1 and I ā€œhappenā€ to investigate Arete N1 meaning the result is contradicting itself on TBEā€™s part.

That is legit scumslip

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Truth be told, there was enough information for the Town to have deduced that Arete was real NK and that you were false flipped.

But the fact that this wasnā€™t outted earlier was a pretty bad look.