[FoL] Forum of Lies 29 - OVER (9/18) - CULT FOOL WIN

im saying that it’s impossible for him to be read

i am also saying that you can’t say that we’re distancing eachother, because… well, he literally has 1 interaction

Well, Chloe.
I am ready for you to do what you will.

Okay, im donezo.

We’re going in circles.

Heres what I got:
PKR V - im pretty sure we had the same exact mindset
Centuries V

^ this is pure as fuck
and he didnt stop the RT after figuring it out

Amelia weird-as-fuck

PK is probably just noobtown
I expected him to OMGUS

this gives weird vibes ^

admits he has no read on PKR


just points out that PKR’s reads have no basis


PK can be townie

i have a feeling PKR will disagree

starting to suspect PKR here,

he’s making baseless reads about me and wazza.

Perfect timing that I caught this.

I’m going to do more tomorrow bad start time and wasn’t even pinged so I’m already pissed at this game in the first place, it’s late right now and I keep waking back up and quickly checking this. Ugh, goodnight for the 4th time.

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oh fuck there it is


i wasnt sure how to articulate my opinion so i took a picture of my cat doing it for me

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tarnation you predicted the future >:( also i just realized this is OMGUS lol

PK the “read” was literally random number generator and you happened to be groupscum with wazza


I want to say I have never had such a damn good moment for FoL than this.
This has been spicy as all fuck.
But honestly the fact that PK ends this saying he suspects me and his reactions… I think I might have struck a nerve due to being right or something lol.

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I want to be in allies for the same reasons as I almost always do; I think im somewhat useful and neighborhoods with people I think are town are cool(also was quite productive last allies I was in)

but also

im not too productive in there since I tend to say mostly everything I think in main chat

so eh

ill leave it to gorta

id ask for why seeing as im the only one without ‘gut’ or a reason in front of it

but I think gut is implied

kat things

while this is true

I think its a bad way to read people as a whole, since people change playstyles/have off games, etc. Look for it sure, but it shouldnt warrant a SR, just…not a TR

I dont really get how so? he says your being too careful->your not standing out

I dont see how that doesnt line up with his thoughts on you, particularly when neither actually make a conclusion(which is probably worse then calling it a hedge)

this is indeed weird because it goes from thinking W!AT to V!AT

but there is follow through as to why, even if its bad

…do you think its scum AI that he made that conclusion?

id dare say it amounts to closer to

“something is weird [with katze] and its difficult to describe, but theyve never done something like this as a villager before”


I can see why you think its shade

and I think him not being definitive enough is definitely wolfy, but youve admitted to having your tone change, even if there is a reason, so I wouldn’t pin him for shading you because he saw that.

you are not wrong; you do do this sort of thing presumably as either alignment

and it is a stupid reason, unless you ignored your meta completely

I concede this point


saying he doesnt have any idea what your doing is indeed bad, after his points

lemme grab the points he makes(that you responded to because im not readin back)

actually, ill group them now

  • Kat being held back
  • Tone(possibly the same thing as the first)
  • Prince claim
  • Kat not being in townmeta(…almost opposite of the last)
  • not being towny

…yeah these dont really hold up and yes

I think this push is bad enough where either vul is a wolf or vul is latching onto something small and trying to make it true on a larger scale(notably your tone).

kind of back to null with vul

will focus more on them when they have more, I guess


but he’s right

PKR did make baseless reads he was unable to actually back up

and I dont think its scummy to call em out on that

Hey so Amelia
since you’re apparently here

care to contribute?


i mean im
99% sure PK is just a noob townie here

felt genuine
no immediate OMGUS
admitted he hadnt read through PKR, as well as others

I feel like he’d be inclined to make some shit up there

Wazza had 5 posts.
How could I make a read out of that?

Also it was random.org RNGd.
It was not a “baseless” read.

Heck it was not even a read but PKs reactions could end up speaking volumes.

tbe makes a 10 liner and then adds a random spoiler which includes 25 lines

thats town

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oh, i see

you did it to get reactions kekw

good day sir

RNG is baseless

it was not a read

it was a number

and so you were able to back it up; you werent supposed to be able to

I dont get it

but ill take it
